
HiFi Review – Unique Charm, Value that Cannot be Measured With Money

“⋯⋯At the end of 2019, the author listened to the Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister.⋯The pure and thick tone and musicality created by this integrated amp is unique and charming. The kind of music magic is the kind that makes people not want to leave their seats. ⋯ Its sound is unique, and its music tugs at your heartstrings that you can’t help but wish to keep listening.”

“Objectively speaking, I would describe this Meishu as an integrated amp that is easy to play and easy to sound good. Under the right conditions and circumstances, and with a little effort added, it will likely be a quick and easy way to enjoy music and good sound. ”

“I have listened to various types of musical instruments and vocal recordings. Its tone is indeed intoxicating, and its infectious appeal even more extraordinary. From the moment this amp sings the first line, you will feel as though you have been possessed, and you will put everything aside for the time being, listen with your ears perked and attentively until the last note.”

“Strong personality, pure but not harsh, ⋯ strong sense of life in the sound, human vocals that have flesh and blood.”

Chung Yi
HiFi Review

Related product: https://www.elephant.com.hk/products/meishu-300b-tonmeister-line/