
Tube World Monthly – Audio Note Jinro and M2 join hands to tame Pioneer TAD 2402, bringing big horn speakers to life

“…With the assistance of the heroic duo, the Audio Note Jinro amp and M2 pre-amp, yours truly was finally able to tame the TAD 2402, which has quite a bit of temper!”

[Small power amps cannot push the TAD 2402]

“Pushed by the Jinro and M2 duo, the performance [of the speakers] far exceeded their physical volume. What caught my attention first was their relatively high sound density, which allowed me to pull the left and right speakers wider to create a larger stereo sound field…”

“Musical instruments were as powerful as the vocals. Even the sound of the audience’s cheers carried real weight, making the mis-en-scene feel more intense. ⋯⋯ With the push from the Jinro and M2, the sound from TAD 2402 blasted beautifully.”

–        Li Chi Wai

Tube World Monthly February 2020

Product: https://www.elephant.com.hk/products/jinro/