
Tube World Monthly – Driving Western Electric 755A Speakers with Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister
Fully Shows the Regal Mastery of the 300B Integrated Amplifier

“Since the Meishu Tonmeister’s official debut at my residence, whenever it is switched on, its high frequencies clearly outclass the Western Electric 124A, especially when replaying female vocals and the violin. The Meishu then enthusiastically plays the familiar recordings of Teresa Teng, Tsai Qin, and Rabin to me one after another. … It lives up to its reputation: both the emotional depth of human vocals, and the dynamic contrast of the piano are all things I have never experienced here before…”

“Audio Note’s Meishu Tonmeister is indeed worthy of being the “King of 300B Integrated Amps”. It works seamlessly with these king of 8-inch full-frequency response speakers to provide listeners with endless pleasure.”

–       Charlie Ma
Tube World Monthly – December 2020