
Audiophile – Listening Chapter
A Small Accessory that Makes a Huge Difference –
Audio Note SPe 19 Pure Silver Jumper

“Audio Note SPe19 Pure Silver Jumper is a low-cost sound tuning tool with huge benefits.”

“SPe19 shows its true colours. Even though it is made out of pure silver wire, its sound is purer and denser than many copper wire jumpers, enabling the pair of ProAc Tablette III [yours truly has taken in] to replay pure and alluring male and female vocals. At the same time, the Spe19 has the good analytical power that comes with pure silver wires, which brings out the subtle sound of the violin’s bow rubbing against its strings, and with it, a spirituality that makes the piano sound noble while significantly improving the positioning and layering. It demonstrates an effect that emphasizes both the tone and the “hi-fi-ness”…. It adds a finishing touch to the sound, elevating the interpretation of the speakers to a higher level.” 

– Lee Chi Wai

Audiophile May 2021

Related product: https://www.elephant.com.hk/products/spe-jumper/