
Tube World Monthly – Showing More Potential at a New Venue – Einstein The Pure Flagship Speakers [at a hifi tradeshow]

“When The Pure warms up, its rich, deep and warm sound density can cover the entire room and more, especially when one switches to The Record Player, [Einstein’s] turntable for LPs. That lively openness is no different from what I normally hear when I listen to the same large antique horn! ”

“Without a crossover in its way, its agile response to split-second changes is as quick as an express train, and its dynamic looseness wins hands down. No wonder this speaker is named The Pure⋯⋯ All in all, The Pure is a speaker system that covers the full-range, equipped both with a high-pitched horn and an active subwoofer. Its high interchangeability and large tuning space make it adaptable to different environments, and allows users to use it as they please.”

“When the CD player warms up, the pure and open mid-range, and the clear and crisp high-frequency extension indeed shows off the full range and horn, while the low frequency is also consistent and as smooth as a roll of cloth. Naturally, it should be noted that this type of equipment is split into an independent subwoofer and uses an active-drive speaker system. The most crucial technical difficulty to overcome is the convergence of the frequency bands.”

“The performance of The Pure is the best when an LP is used as the source… The bounces in the double bass, the openness of the brass section, and the layers in, and overlap of the sound field levels one can hear instantly brings me back to the live performance itself. Strings, percussion and special sound effects are densely intertwined, even the sound of musician having fun with their musical interpretation, are flawlessly relayed through The Pure!”


–        Charlie Ma

Tube World Monthly – August 2019