
Audio Note, Amplifiers, High-end Audio

HiFi Review – Cover Story
Audio Note Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister Flagship Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier

“’God is in the details’⋯ this saying makes me want to change it to, ‘Allure and temptation are in the details!’” “The Meishu Kapellmeister is not a straightforward extension of Meishu Tonmeister, but another branched variation. It also signifies that Audio Note is confident in developing the Meishu’s fully-fledged platform into a top-end integrated amp.” […]

HiFi Review – Cover Story
Audio Note Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister Flagship Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier
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Audio Note, Amplifiers, High-end Audio

HiFi Review – Superb Sound Quality, Enjoying My Music to the Fullest!

“When you open the cover, what you see in front of you is a super hefty Audio Note transformer wound with pure silver. The sheer size of each transformer is scarily large. They are neatly arranged, and their wiring is tidy and meticulous. ⋯⋯All of this shows the extraordinary artisanal design, and the exquisite workmanship

HiFi Review – Superb Sound Quality, Enjoying My Music to the Fullest! Read More »

Audio Note, Amplifiers, High-end Audio

HiFi Review – Unique Charm, Value that Cannot be Measured With Money

“⋯⋯At the end of 2019, the author listened to the Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister.⋯The pure and thick tone and musicality created by this integrated amp is unique and charming. The kind of music magic is the kind that makes people not want to leave their seats. ⋯ Its sound is unique, and its music tugs

HiFi Review – Unique Charm, Value that Cannot be Measured With Money Read More »