Audio Note

Audio Note, High-end Audio, CD Players and D/A Converter

Tube World Monthly
Endless Audio Note From Separated to Integrated
Audio Note CDT Two Transport / II + DAC 2.1x decoder and CD-4.1x Integrated CD Player

“… A savvy audiophile should always have a capable CD replay system ready, so that there is no need to scramble when CDs return to vogue that LPs have enjoyed. For Audio Note, who have always stood by the source of traditional CDs , they have naturally made a 100% correct choice!…” “The CDT Two […]

Tube World Monthly
Endless Audio Note From Separated to Integrated
Audio Note CDT Two Transport / II + DAC 2.1x decoder and CD-4.1x Integrated CD Player
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Audio Note, High-end Audio, CD Players and D/A Converter

Listening Chapter
Audio Note CD 4.1x Vacuum Tube CD Player

“Looking around today’s market, who are the high-end brands that still insist on traditional CD replay, and use distinctive design concepts and sound tuning techniques? The result made me think of Audio Note’s CD-4.1x that I tested before.” “Audio Note have added many supplementary components to the CD-4.1x, including copper foil-in-oil capacitors, tantalum resistors, sterling

Listening Chapter
Audio Note CD 4.1x Vacuum Tube CD Player
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Audio Note Sogon USB Cable
Audio Note, High-end Audio, Cables and Connectors

Audiotechnique Listening Chapter equipment review
Audio Note Sogon USB Cable
The Finishing Touch for Digital Input Sources

“In Audio Note’s current line-up, only the DAC 0.1x and Cobra multi-function integrated come equipped with a USB audio input. The maker took into account that audiophile users of their devices would also need a USB cable, and so released their Lexus USB cable earlier…. On top of this, the maker also considered that some

Audiotechnique Listening Chapter equipment review
Audio Note Sogon USB Cable
The Finishing Touch for Digital Input Sources
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