High-end Audio

Audio Note, High-end Audio, Cables and Connectors

HiFi Review – Audio Note SOOTTO Mains pure silver Power Cable


“All of Audio Note’s pure silver cables are made of 99.99% pure silver conductors. SOGON Mains and SOOTTO Mains are no exception, however, the insulating material is different from that of signal and speaker cables, as power cables have to be heat-, bend-, and break-resistant. SOOTTO Mains are made in Germany like all the other Audio Note cables, by the same machine to achieve a consistent quality without any variance, and the same machine model is used by Audi, Daimler, Porsche and BMW to make motor cables.”

“Adding seduction to a romantic source of sound”

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Audio Note, High-end Audio, CD Players and D/A Converter

Audiotechnique – Audio Note CDT Six CD Player & The Fifth Element Decoder

“The CDs that we listen to normally don’t sound like much. yet they sound so moving today?”

“The analytical prowess, meticulousness, large and fine dynamics, balance and continuity across all frequencies, extension of high and low frequencies, depth of sound, breadth of range, the fullness of sound in space, the three-dimensionality of vocals, the layers in instrumental sounds – all the elements that we audiophiles constantly pursue in hi-fi, have flawless performance in this setup. How is this possible?!”

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