

News Category Filter
Audiotechnique Lincoln’s Corner
If You Have the Heart, Energy and Cash –
The Enviable Auditory Playground of Audio Note
“Readers of Audiotechnique, you will know that I am a loyal user of Audio Note from the UK. I ...
Hi Fi Bible 2024 June - ANE SPX LTD Field Coil (clean PDF) image 1
2024 Summer Issue
HiFi Bible – Editor’s Notes
New Products: Audio Note AN-E-Ltd Dynamic Speakers
“Let me start by saying that the Audio Note AN-E-Ltd is the best-sounding two-way moving coil ...
2024.05 Audiotechnique 512 - Audio Note AX II
Audiotechnique Equipment Review
Audio Note AX Two / II Bookshelf Speakers
Never Needing to Comprise, Marching to the Beat of Its Own Drum
“The structure of the speaker driver, speaker box and crossovers are all specifically matched ...
Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister - Hi Fi Review 2024 Apri (454) Cover Story - clean PDF-page-001-copy
HiFi Review – Cover Story
Audio Note Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister Flagship Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier
“’God is in the details’⋯ this saying makes me want to change it to, ‘Allure and temptation are in t...
Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister - Hi Fi Review 2024 Apri (454) Cover Story -page-012
HiFi Review – Superb Sound Quality, Enjoying My Music to the Fullest!
“When you open the cover, what you see in front of you is a super hefty Audio Note transformer...
Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister - Hi Fi Review 2024 Apri (454) Cover Story -page-009
HiFi Review – Unique Charm, Value that Cannot be Measured With Money
“⋯⋯At the end of 2019, the author listened to the Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister.⋯The pure and th...
Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister - Hi Fi Review 2024 Apri (454) Cover Story -page-007
HiFi Review – 300B Audio Aesthetics Elevated to an Artistic Level
“⋯⋯ Overall, I think the Meishu Phono 300B Kapellmeister is in in a distinguished class of its...
Audio Note P3 Tonmeister - Product of the Year 2023
HiFi Review – Products of the Year 2023 – Power Amplifier – Audio Note P3 Tonmeister
“For decades, Audio Note has been a leader in the production technology of 300B power amplifiers. Th...
Audio Note AN-S1- 2023 Dec Hi Fi Bible - 馬中超 Hi Fi 手記 - 模擬篇~AN-S1升壓牛-img1
2023 Winter Issue
HiFi Bible – Charlie Ma’s Notes
Testing Notes:
Audio Note AN-S1 H (L) Pure Copper Moving Coil Head Amplifier
“This fixed impedance version of AN-S1 H has the characteristics of a pure copper amplifier; the und...
Audio Note AX-Two - 2023 Dec Hi Fi Bible - 馬中超 Hi Fi 手記 - 喇叭篇_兩路縱橫-page-img1
2023 Winter Issue
HiFi Bible – Charlie Ma’s Notes
Testing Notes: Audio Note AX-Two II Speakers
“When I listened to AN-E/SPe HE SE SIG, I used the same maker’s M6 pre-amplifier and Jinro power amp...
Audio Note Conqueror Silver 推 ALTEC A5 - 2023 Aug Hi Fi Bible - 馬中超 Hi Fi 手記 (pdf) - colour 1
HiFi Bible
2023 Summer Issue
Charlie Ma’s Notes
Testing Notes: Simple is Beautiful - Pushing Altec A5 with Audio Note Conqueror Silver
“…… When the Conqueror Silver is turned on, what is transmitted from the Altec A5 is an exquisite so...
Tellurium Q Statement II RCA - Hi Fi Review 2023 Aug (446) - clean PDF
HiFi Review
Cover Story
An Upgrade Shortcut for Pre-Amplifier Users
“I favour the tube preamp made by Audio Note because it has a strong sense of musical liveliness, th...
Audio Note M5 Line - Hi Fi Review 2023 Aug (446)
HiFi Review
Editor’s Note
Audio Note M5 Line Pre-Amplifier
“Audio Note M5 Line, I reckon, is my favourite tube preamplifier at HK$100,000 dollar mark. In this ...
2023.03 Hi Fi Review 442 - Audio Note P3 Tonmeister 01
HiFi Review
Test Report Audio Note P3 Tonmeister
A Rolex-Grade 300B Power Amplifier
Test Report: Audio Note P3 Tonmeister – A Rolex-Grade 300B Power Amplifier “For decades, Audi...
Audio Note M5 Line - Products Of The Year 202229
HiFi Review – Products of the Year 2022 – Preamplifier
Audio Note M5 Line Vacuum Tube Pre-Amplifier
For the detailed review in HiFi Review’s Nov 2022 issue, please click here  
2022.11 Hi Fi Review Issue 437 - Audio Note CD5.1x - 主編推介的好聲真空管CD機 1
HiFi Review
Editor’s Commended - Vacuum Tube CD Player Audio Note CD 5.1x
Editor’s Commended – Vacuum Tube CD Player Audio Note CD 5.1x “The Philips CD Pro 2LF ...
2022.11 Hi Fi Review Issue 437 - Audio Note M5 Line - 試音報告 (clean) 1
HiFi Review
Test Report - Audio Note M5 Line Vacuum Tube Pre-Amplifier
A British Sound with Strong Fidelity and Emotions
Test Report – Audio Note M5 Line Vacuum Tube Pre-Amplifier A British Sound with Strong Fidelit...
Adobe Photoshop PDF
Audiotechnique Cover Feature
《First Taste of Power from Audio Note Legend Amplifier》
《Audio Note Legend - The Legend in the Grass Hut》
《Audio Note Legend - Wonders Never Cease with Each Visit to the Grass Hut》
First Taste of Power from Audio Note Legend Amplifier “Every Legend is truly unique. From the ...
Audiotechnique Cover Feature – The Birth of a Legend
Audio Note The Legend Single-Channel Amplifier
“If the Gaku-On was the pinnacle of tube amplifier design of its day, I completely agree that ...
202207 Hi Fi Review 433 Editors Note Audio Note ISIS LX168 cable
HiFi Review – Editor’s Note
Reference Speaker Cable Compatible with Any Brand, Any Model
“Over the past decade, we’ve tried out hundreds of different types of equipment and cabl...
Audio Note M5-front
HiFi Bible – Editor’s Note
New Product: Audio Note M5 Line Vacuum Tube Pre-Amp
“The Peter Qvortrup I know is a ‘materialist’. He believes that the better the material used f...
2022.03 HiFi Review Product of the Year - Audio Note CD5.1x CD Player
HiFi Review – Products of the Year 2021 – CD Player – Audio Note CD 5.1x
For the detailed review in HiFi Review’s Dec 2021 issue, please click here
2022.03 HiFi Review Product of the Year - Audio Note TT-Three Arm Two II IIQ III
HiFi Review – Products of the Year 2021 – Turntable – Audio Note TT-Three
For the detailed review in HiFi Review’s April 2021 issue, please click here
2021.11 Audiophile 428 - Audio Note IO Limited 唱頭 01
Listening Chapter
Once You Start, You Can’t Stop - Audio Note IO Limited MC Moving Coil Pickup
“Any audiophile, once they have had the opportunity to listen to this type of excited magnet l...
2021.12 HiFi Review 426 - Audio Note CD5.1x CD Player - 01
HiFi Review – Test Report
Sounds So Good It Makes Me Think Twice
Audio Note CD 5.1x Vacuum Tube CD Player
“The person in charge of Audio Note’s CD 5.1x must not only understand the interpretation of m...
2021.10 Tube World Monthly 198 - CDT Two + DAC 2.1x + CD4.1x - 01
Tube World Monthly
Endless Audio Note From Separated to Integrated
Audio Note CDT Two Transport / II + DAC 2.1x decoder and CD-4.1x Integrated CD Player
“… A savvy audiophile should always have a capable CD replay system ready, so that there...
2021.10 Audiophile 427 - Audio Note CD4.1x CD Player 試聽篇_Charlie Ma01
Listening Chapter
Audio Note CD 4.1x Vacuum Tube CD Player
“Looking around today’s market, who are the high-end brands that still insist on traditi...
Audio Note Sogon USB Cable
Audiotechnique Listening Chapter equipment review
Audio Note Sogon USB Cable
The Finishing Touch for Digital Input Sources
“In Audio Note’s current line-up, only the DAC 0.1x and Cobra multi-function integrated ...
2021.09 HiFi Review 423 - Rogers LS35a+Audio Note Cobra_1
HiFi Review – Test Report
When Monitor Speakers Meet an Addictive Tube Amp –
Rogers LS3/5a Bookshelf Speakers
Audio Note Cobra Integrated Amplifier
“For my generation of Hong Kong middle-aged audiophiles, Rogers LS3/5a is not only a classic a...
Audio Note
Special Announcement
Dear Customers, It has come to our attention that there is an audio vendor in Mong Kok, Kowloon, mak...
2021.06 Audiophile 423 -大象行新 showroom-page-001
Audiophile - Shoppers’ Paradise
Elephant’s Brand-New Showroom
“When I think back to my first visit to Elephant, it happened over thirty years ago…. I ...
Tube World Monthly – 16th anniversary special
The Best-Sounding New Tube Amplifier from the Past Year
Lee Chi Wai’s Choice: Audio Note’s COBRA integrated amp “Although the Cobra is a fledgling, its pe...
Audio Note SPE Jumper - Audiophile 2021 May Issue 422 PDF-page-001
Audiophile - Listening Chapter
A Small Accessory that Makes a Huge Difference –
Audio Note SPe 19 Pure Silver Jumper
“Audio Note SPe19 Pure Silver Jumper is a low-cost sound tuning tool with huge benefits.”...
市場動態 Hi Fi Review 2021 Jun Issue 420-page-001_thumb
HiFi Review - Market Trend - The Origin of Elephant Holdings, from 1946 to the Present
Once Upon a time, a Long Long Timg Ago – In 1888, the world’s first ever motion picture, Roundhay Ga...
Audiophile 35th anniversary special
The Best Equipment from the Past Year
W. K. Wong’s Choice:
Rogers LS 5/9 Speakers
Audio Note CD 5.1x CD Player
Rogers LS 5/9 Speakers “The reissued version of LS 5/9 has outstanding balance, a thick and plump mi...
Audiophile 35th anniversary special
The Best Equipment from the Past Year
Editor’s Choice
Audio Note Cobra Integrated Vacuum Tube Amp
“It makes full use of the audio potential of the famous pentode EL34 tube. Its glossy tones, s...
Audiophile Listening Chapter
Audio Note Cobra Integrated Amp with EL 34 tubes
“I held back my tears when I forked out to buy four Audio Note amplifiers: an M2 pre-amp; the ...
2021.04 HiFi Review 418 Audio Note TT3 Hi Fi Review 封面故事 - 鍾一_Page_1
HiFi Review – Rating Heroes While Drinking Wine
Lively Dynamics with Emotive Musicality - Audio Note TT-3 turntable
“[Renowned Romanian soprano] Angela [Gheroghiu] sang many classic opera songs on her Etemament...
WhatsApp Image 2021-03-19 at 21.59.23
HiFi Review – Rating Heroes While Drinking Wine
Do you need to interpret changes in details and delicate emotions? - Audio Note TT-3 turntable
“Peter Qvortrup at the helm of Audio Note used to put most of his attention on the design rela...
Front Cover#418
HiFi Review – Cover Story
Strong Emotions in Music and High Sound Density
Audio Note TT-3 Turntable
“As the technology for CD players and manufacturing continually advance over time, the sound q...
Audiotechnique Listening Chapter equipment review
Audio Note Cobra Integrated Amp
Strong Musicality with Sweet, Delicate Vocals
“The appearance of Cobra is similar to Audio Note’s flagship amplifier, the Ongaku. This alrea...
Tube World Monthly - Driving Western Electric 755A Speakers with Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister
Fully Shows the Regal Mastery of the 300B Integrated Amplifier
“Since the Meishu Tonmeister’s official debut at my residence, whenever it is switched on, its high ...
Audiophile – Important Note from the Editor
Audio Note COBRA Vacuum Tube Amplifier
“Audio Note, the British amplifier manufacturer with sky-high prices, recently launched the Co...
Audiophile - Audio Note COBRA striking a new note with EL 34 tubes and Rogers LS 3/5A
Audiophile – Letters from Our Readers Reply from our Editor-in-Chief: “We started testing out the Au...
HiFi Review – Best Buy of the Year 2020 – Integrated Amplifier Audio Note COBRA
For the detailed review in HiFi Review’s August 2020 issue, please click here For product: https://w...
Audiotechnique Listening Chapter
Audio Note CD 5.1X CD Player-
The Most Analogue-Flavoured all-in-one CD Player
“When [Audio Note] first designed CD 5.1x, their basic concept was to create a hybrid of the t...
Audiotechnique Lincoln’s Corner Audio Note CD 5.1X CD Player- Yet Another Digital Masterpiece
“Even though this CD player which ranks as Audio Note’s Level 3 is not cheap, it is far more a...
HiFi Review – Cover Story Addiction Alert! - Audio Note COBRA Integrated Amplifier
“Audio Note’s integrated amplifier comes with: 28 watts of output power per channel (Class  A)...
oto line se
Tube World Monthly – Taming Horn Speakers with an Entry-Level Integrated Amplifiier – Audio Note OTO Line SE
“⋯⋯ With the Audio Note OTO Line SE integrated amp, you can effortlessly make the presence of ...
Audiotechnique - Equipment Review Audio Note Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister Silver - an everlasting melody that stirs your soul
“Why does Big Grass never veer away from his beloved Audio Note? The reason is very simple, be...
Audiophile – Listening Chapter
Listening Again to the Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister Phono Silver Integrated Amplifier
“The unique vocals, emotions and lively rhythm of Western Electric[s 300B tube] are obviously more p...
Tube World Monthly - Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister Phono Silver Integrated Amplifier
“Pairing it with Audio Note’s Moving Coil Transformer Brings it to New Heights … Audio Note’s other ...
Tube World Monthly - 15th Anniversary Special Issue Best New Vacuum Tube Amplifier for the Past Year – Audio Note Meishu Line Tonmeister
“…With only 8 watts on each channel, the low frequencies played are unexpectedly strong and powerful...
Audiophile – Listening Chapter Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister Phono Silver Integrated Amplifier
“When it comes to the audio effect, the Tonmeister Line has an extremely broad range and musical tol...
Audio Note Meishu 300B Tonmeister - Tube World 2020 April 封面-page-001
Tube World Monthly - Cover Story – Audio Note Meishu 300B, the King of Integrated Amplifiers
“…I can be certain that Audio Note’s 300B vacuum tube integrated amplifier is unparalleled, be it it...
Annotation 2020-04-23 175215
Tube World Monthly – Audio Note Jinro and M2 join hands to tame Pioneer TAD 2402, bringing big horn speakers to life
“…With the assistance of the heroic duo, the Audio Note Jinro amp and M2 pre-amp, yours truly was fi...
HiFi Review – Products of the Year 2019 – Integrated Amplifier Audio Note Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister
Product review: HiFi Review – Audio Note Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister Vacuum Tube Integrated Am...
Audiotechnique – Audio Note Ankoru/ II Mono Amplifier
Inheriting the flagship’s fine pedigree, a relaxed enjoyment of the musical spirit “I believe ...
Tube World Monthly – When Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister met Pioneer TAD 2402 speakers
“….. The ecstatic and heartstring-tugging female vocals and violin, interpreted by the 2402 speakers...
Tube World Monthly - The King of 300B Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifiers - Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister
“Amongst today’s high-end makers of vacuum tube amplifiers, Audio Note may be the most exemplary cha...
HiFi Review - 300B – Amazing charm, indescribable when playing vocals or strings
“⋯⋯ The Meishu Tonmeister also performs calmly and stably, and its 8-watt power output is no l...
HiFi Review - Audio Note Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier - Strong bass when played quietly; Vivid when played loudly
“⋯⋯ These [AN-E SPe HE speakers] are able to create a satisfying bass and an exciting, strong ...
HiFi Review - Audio Note Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier
“The first adjectives that come to mind with the Meishu Line 300B Tonmeister and the AN-E / SPe HE s...
audio note cd4.1x
Tube World Monthly - Audio Note CD4.1x Vacuum Tube CD Player Proves the Longevity of CDs Once Again
“In addition to its carefully-crafted analytical ability, what impressed me deeply about the CD-4.1x...
Tube World Monthly - Audio Note DAC 2.1x decoder – The More You Play With It, The Better It Gets (Continued)
“… When JJ’s EE88CC valves were used, as soon as the sound was turned on, the texture suddenly becam...
Hong Kong High-End Audio & Visual Show 2019
The HK High End Audio Visual Show that took place at the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre in earl...
Audiophile – Listening Chapter Audio Note CD-Zero
Energetic sound with a gorgeous finish “CD Zero is even smaller than a shoe box, but its sound trans...
Audiophile – Audio Note DAC 2.1x decoder
– Charlie Ma Audiophile – July 2019
Audiophile – Listening Chapter Audio Note CDT Two/II + DAC 2.1x decoder
“The CD-4.1x [CD player] does well on classical repertoires, especially on tracks with complex, larg...
Tube World Monthly – Audio Note DAC 2.1x decoder – The More You Play With It, The Better It Gets
“When the DAC 2.1x converter is paired with different CD transports of various tiers and styles, the...
HiFi Review – Audio Note AN-K Lx
“A pure Class A vacuum tube integrated amp. With an output of only 9 to 10W (each channel with two E...
Tube World Monthly – 14th anniversary issue The Best Vacuum Tube Amplifier This Year - Audio Note M2 Pre-Amplifier
Editor’s Choice: “With the M2’s minimalist design, and a single 6SN7 line stage that does it all, th...
audio note dac2.1x
Tube World Monthly - Audio Note CDT Two/II + DAC 2.1x decoder
“Regardless of whether it is a piano solo, a chamber orchestra, or even a full symphony, the details...
Audionote_tt2 deluxe FB1
The Tube World Monthly – Unforgettable - Audio Note TT-TWO DELUXE Turntable
“[The TT-Two Deluxe’s] blueprint came from the once-revered Systemdek IIX. Vast improvements have al...
Audio Note M6 Phono FB1
Audiophile – Listening chapter Audio Note M6 Phono
“Although the 5687 line stage valve is not as widely used as other vacuum tubes made during the same...
Audio Note CDT Six + The Fifth Element - Best Buy Of The Year 2018
HiFi Review – Products of the Year 2018 – CD Transport & DAC Audio Note CDT Six & The Fifth Element
“The more I listen to this Audio Note’s split-type CD setup, the more I think its sound quality is s...
2019.01 HiFi Review 391 Audio Note OTO Line SE Signature_Page_1_rev
HiFi Review – Audio Note OTO Line SE Signature driving big Alnico magnetic speakers with the power of 10W vacuum valves
Driving big Alnico magnetic speakers with the power of 10W vacuum valves – When Audio Note OTO...
Audiotechnique – Audio Note OTO Phono SE and CD 2.1x / II player
“When the OTO PHONO SE is used in combination with CD2.1x II, they release a vibe unique to LPs, whi...
AN-E SPe HE SE Sig_1
The Tube Monthly - AUDIO NOTE AN-E/SPe HE SE SIG Speaker
Horn Speakers Personified – Audio Note AN-E/SPe HE SIGNATURE Speakers “…As soon as the speaker...
HiFi Review – Vinyl Emotion Audio Note TT-TWO DELUXE Turntable
“Fantastic performance far beyond my expectations” “Rich vocals filled with vitality” “ Deep, powerf...
HiFi Review – Best Buy of the Year 2018 – Integrated Amplifier - Audio Note Oto SE Line Signature
“On top of the benefits of EL84 [output valves], the Oto Line SE Signature integrated amplifier also...
Hong Kong High-End Audio & Visual Show 2018
Over the past weekend, Elephant participated in the annual Hong Kong High-End Audio & Visual Sho...
HiFi Review - Audio Note CDT Six CD Player & The Fifth Element Decoder
“It is a set of ammunition with many changes and possibilities. It all depends on how you play with ...
audionote_M3 line.vindicator silver-net.indd
Audiotechnique - Audio Note M3 Line amplifier, Vindicator Silver 2A3 Amplifier
“Material upgrades [sic] such as copper foil oil immersion capacitor, Cerafine electrolytic capacito...
HiFi Review - Audio Note AN-SPx 31 Jumper Cable
“Deep and strong low-frequencies” Related product:
HiFi Review - Audio Note SOOTTO Mains pure silver Power Cable
“Unsurpassable” “All of Audio Note’s pure silver cables are made of 99.99% pure silver conductors. S...
Audio Note Sogon Minor LX62 Hi Fi Review 2016 July 361 - covery story
HiFi Review - Audio Note SOGON Minor LX 62 Speaker Cable
“Sweet and smooth sound from sterling silver.” “Impressive, strong and elegant” HiFi Review 2016.6 R...
Audiotechnique - Audio Note CDT Six CD Player & The Fifth Element Decoder
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“The CDs that we listen to normally don’t sound like much. yet th...
Audiotechnique - Audio Note M10 Signature Preamplifier
“The beautiful sound is direct and real. The amount of information in the musical details has increa...
HiFi Review - Audio Note M6 Line Signature vacuum tube Preamplifier
“Powerful low frequencies that can move mountains and seas.” Product: